The BlueCross Foundation is accepting proposals for BlueCross Healthy Place projects Aug. 1-31, 2024.

Welcome to BlueCross Healthy Places

Bringing our neighbors and communities together.

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Free and Fun for All

The BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Foundation is building BlueCross Healthy Places to provide our neighbors with spaces to get to know one another and enjoy healthy activity.

BlueCross Healthy Places are free and open to all. They include playgrounds, fitness equipment and other features for visitors of all ages and abilities to enjoy.


Making an Impact

22 Projects Completed
$7.5 Million Invested Annually
3 Projects Underway

Let’s Build BlueCross Healthy Places Together

If your organization owns land and wants to create a space where your neighbors can come together, we’d like to work with you to make it happen.

The BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Foundation accepts proposals for BlueCross Healthy Place grants Aug. 1-31 each year. We work with both government entities and non-profit organizations.


“It’ll be really fun when everyone is out here playing in the neighborhood.”

Siara Thomas, student, Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy

In the News

Blending history and community in the BlueCross Healthy Place at Founders Park

The BlueCross Foundation is investing up to $9.6 million to revitalize the space opposite the National Civil Rights Museum.

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A BlueCross Healthy Place for all: inclusive fun at Henry Horton State Park

Learn about how the first BlueCross Healthy Place in a Tennessee state park provides healthy activity for visitors of all abilities.

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A day in the life of the BlueCross Healthy Place at David Carnes Park

The BlueCross Healthy Place at David Carnes Park is full of activity from dusk until dawn. See what a typical day could look like.

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